Qualified Nursery Nurse

Qualified Nursery Nurse

Qualified Nursery Nurse

Qualified Nursery Nurse
From birth to school & beyond..
Booking an advance place..

Most of my children are booked in a year before they begin. This is because I only have three places per day and most children begin when only a few months old and don't leave until they begin school. This means places are very rarely available. Made worse for parents looking as through COVID a lot of childminders gave up child-minding so now I get around 6-8 enquiries per week as there is a real lack of quality childcare.
Picking a qualified child-minder over a nursery gives your child a lot more 1:1 learning, to get to know your child well, understand their learning and ensure they thrive. Thinking about achievements ready for school. Pen control, learning about letters and reading, numbers and maths, literacy and also routine, ready for school, rather than ' playing and running around a lot at nursery / Pre school settings' I ensure calm boundaries, with structure & routine.
If you want to book an advance place for your child for the future, I offer this service with a charge to ensure a professional contract so that you can enjoy your maternity time with your child, knowing that when you are ready to return to work,or just to put your child in a setting for some socialisation and educational learning, YOUR place is here and waiting for you. No worries about settling for second best when the time comes as there's nothing available.

The children in my setting get to know one another and bond through friendships, supporting one another in their learning and play. They enjoy one another's company and often have friendships out of my setting for play dates and birrthdays.

Early Learning
We do lots of topics and we like to make them as personal as possible, so here linked in with our Autumn topic we've been talking about the season and tree's and each child has put every single one of their finger prints on to their tree's. These have gone into their files to keep as a wonderful keepsake for the future.

Early Learning
I have lots of resources for children of all ages, from birth upwards. At times we'll have set things out and at other times the children will have free play where they can help themselves from all of the toyboxes depending on how their mood takes them. Here they're sharing a moment with fine motor skills threading beads, chatting about their colours and who has the most beads on.

Early Learning
We have a wonderfult outside space, so we like to be outside as often as we can, great for letting off steam and getting some lovely fresh air. Out here are lots of outdoor toys, but along with these we'll often bring lots of other things outside to play with, the cooking things, the beads, books or number puzzles as well as having music for some games and dancing.